Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's been way too long!!

After all the excitement of finding out I was pregnant again me and the hubby decided that a 2 bedroom apartment just wouldnt do anymore. So we moved back to his dad's house to save up for a down payment on a house. It took months but finally after all the hassle we purchased our first home in Sinton, Tx. Its a spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a nice front and back yard and a detached garage. It's in a nice little subdivision with little to no traffic and plenty of room for the kids to enjoy themselves outside. We got all our stuff moved in in early November. Just in time to have my first Thanksgiving in the new house! My mom and Step dad came down and we had an all around great time. Jon got hooked on a card game that my family plays and I have been playing for years- Hand and Foot. It is soo funny because he got wooped so bad and yet he loves to play.

This whole time, moving and thanksgiving etc I was having an ok pregnancy. Not to bad other than the horrible heart burn that I had ALL the time. Tums became my best friend. I didnt go any where with out them! Finally come December 11- a week before I was due- I went into labor around 8 pm. Since I had been having false labor pains I wanted to make sure I was in fact in labor. When the contractions started getting worse and closer together- around 10:45 pm I woke my husband up who then tried to get me into to bed saying I would feel better. After a minute of laying down I told him to get his ass up, it was time to go to the hospital. He says " Are you sure? You're not overexagerating are you? Im gonna be really pissed if we go to the hospital and you dont have this baby because Im fucking tired". The nerve of this guy right? Here I am  hunched over the couch in pain and he's bitching that he's tired. So we load up Miranda and Connor and drop em off at Heathers. Mind you, it's now 11:20 pm and everyone was already sleeping (except me). We haul ass to the hospital literally... he was going 100 on the freeway. So we get there at 11:45 and they take me back and examine while Jon is registering me. I was in so much pain I couldnt even walk. The nurse examines me and says "Oh hunny, you are 7 centimeters dialated". Im like woo hoo this will  go fast. They get me all hooked up and draw  my blood and send it to the lab because at this point I am begging for an epidural and they have to see if my blood clots before they can give it to me. So Im waiting and waiting and screaming and finally Jon comes in. He tells me its all right and he knows and I just yell at him "No you dont know SHUT UP!!" I keep feeling like I have to push so the nurse examines me everytime I say I need to push. Im slowly progressing and then at 9 centimeters I say I need to push and so I push a little and then BOOM!! My water broke. And it squirted all over the place and the nurse runs out and yells "Water bag broken". I tell Jon "Well I aint getting the epidural now" since my water broke and hadnt gotten the labs back yet. I say "theres no time... I have to push". "Can you not push?" the nurse said. "NO, I HAVE TO PUSH". I feel the baby crown and the dr runs in and says "Hi youre having a baby" Yep and I pushed a couple of times and screamed because it burned like hell--- no drugs at all not even through the iv since I was so far along any drugs administered through the iv would have slowed contractions down and prolonged labor. And the finally Little Jerry Biles was born.

Isnt he adorable. I spent less than 2 days in the hospital and then came home. He has grown so much in 2 months I hardly recognize him! In two months he has almost doubled his weight. He's a whopping 12 lbs 3 oz as of Friday Feb.19. It's crazy how much they change in the first few months.

Miranda is a great big sister and alot of help. She loves holding him and feeding him. It's kinda like she feels like he is her baby

For the first few weeks, Connor wouldnt have anything to do with me. He barely let me dress him or change his clothes. Now he wants me to hold him everytime I am holding the baby. I think he finally realized that this baby is staying for good lol. He does try to help out sometimes too. If Jerry is crying he will try to give him his bottle or pacifier. And he likes to bring me the diaper when I need to change Jerry. It is so cute!

Jon has been gone alot with work. Suprisingly it hasnt affected Jerry too much. Jon comes home and hold him and Little Jerry lights up and starts smiling. I tell Jon that its no fair that Jon can make him laugh all the time and I cant. It's so great to see them like that. Jon is a big help with the kids. Usually he will take care of the older ones while I tend to Jerry. It might not seem like alot to some people but any help is better than no help!!!

We got a new puppy which is a pain but hes super cute. He's a Siberian Husky. He's super cute but a pain in the ass right now. They are very good family dogs and good with children. But I have to say that had I known Jon would be out of town so much right now, I wouldnt have gotten a new puppy. Thats too much to handle; especially with a newborn.

All in all it has been a very eventful year. I want to say thank you to Charlotte and Michael for being there for me when I needed anything, thank you to Carla Baker for being my stand in mom at the hospital (it is always helpful to have some one there who knows what you are going through... Jon had no idea what he was getting into), thanks to Heather and John for watching the kids when I had the baby, thanks to everyone who helped me out this year. It was a very stressful, but sucessful year. I love all you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you put the picyures in throughout your posts. We wouldnt have it any other way than to be there for you guys when we can and whenever you need us! We love you guys so much!!
